It’s a gem providing algebraic types and pattern matching and seamlessly integrating with standard features of Ruby.
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Quick example
# Let's define a Tree Tree = Algebrick.type do |tree| variants Empty = atom, Leaf = type { fields Integer }, Node = type { fields tree, tree } end # => Tree(Empty | Leaf | Node) # Now types `Tree(Empty | Leaf | Node)`, `Empty`, `Leaf(Integer)` and `Node(Tree, Tree)` are defined. # Let's add a method, don't miss the **pattern matching** example. module Tree # compute depth of a tree def depth match self, (on Empty, 0), (on Leaf, 1), # ~ will store and pass matched parts to variables left and right (on Node.(~any, ~any) do |left, right| 1 + [left.depth, right.depth].max end) end end # Method defined in module `Tree` are passed down to **all** values of type Tree. Empty.depth # => 0 Leaf[10].depth # => 1 Node[Leaf[4], Empty].depth # => 2 Node[Empty, Node[Leaf[1], Empty]].depth # => 3
Algebraic types
Algebraic types are:
- products with a given number of fields,
- or a kind of composite type, i.e. a type formed by combining other types.
In Haskell algebraic type looks like this:
data Tree = Empty
| Leaf Int
| Node Tree Tree
depth :: Tree -> Int
depth Empty = 0
depth (Leaf n) = 1
depth (Node l r) = 1 + max (depth l) (depth r)
depth (Node Empty (Leaf 5)) -- => 2
This snippet defines type Tree
which has 3 possible values:
with and extra value of typeInt
with two values of typeTree
and function depth
to calculate depth of a tree which is called on the last line and evaluates to 2
Same Tree
type and depth
method can be also defined with this gem as it was shown in Quick Example.
Algebrick implementation
Algebrick distinguishes 4 kinds of algebraic types:
- Atom - type that has only one value, e.g.
. - Product - type that has a set number of fields with given type, e.g.
- Variant - type that is one of the set variants, e.g.
Tree(Empty | Leaf(Integer) | Node(Tree, Tree)
, meaning that valuesEmpty
,Node[Empty, Empry]
have all typeTree
. - ProductVariant - will be created when a recursive type like
List(Empty | List(Integer, List))
is defined.List
has two variants:Empty
and itself. Simultaneously it has fields as a product type.
Atom type is implemented with Algebrick::Atom and the rest is implemented with Algebrick::ProductVariant which behaves differently based on what is set: fields, variants, or both.
More information can be found at
Type definition
# Let's define some types Maybe = Algebrick.type do variants None = atom, Some = type { fields Numeric } end # => Maybe(None | Some) # where the Maybe actually is: Maybe.class # => Algebrick::ProductVariant Maybe.class.superclass # => Algebrick::Type Maybe.class.superclass.superclass # => Module Maybe.class.superclass.superclass.superclass # => Object # if there is a circular dependency you can define the dependent types inside the block like this: Tree = Algebrick.type do |tree| variants Empty = type, Leaf = type { fields Integer }, Node = type { fields tree, tree } end # => Tree(Empty | Leaf | Node) Empty # => Empty Leaf # => Leaf(Integer) Node # => Node(Tree, Tree)
Value creation
# Let's define a Tree Tree = Algebrick.type do |tree| variants Empty = type, Leaf = type { fields Integer }, Node = type { fields tree, tree } end # => Tree(Empty | Leaf | Node) # Values of atomic types are represented by itself, # they are theirs own value. Empty.kind_of? Algebrick::Value # => true Empty.kind_of? Algebrick::Type # => true Empty.kind_of? Empty # => true # Values of product types are constructed with #[] and they are immutable. Leaf[1].kind_of? Algebrick::Value # => true Leaf[1].kind_of? Leaf # => true Node[Empty, Empty].kind_of? Node # => true # Variant does not have its own values, it uses atoms and products. Leaf[1].kind_of? Tree # => true Empty.kind_of? Tree # => true # Product can have its fields named. BinaryTree = BTree = Algebrick.type do |btree| fields! value: Integer, left: btree, right: btree variants Tip = atom, btree end # => BTree(Tip | BTree(value: Integer, left: BTree, right: BTree)) # Then values can be created with names tree1 = BTree[value: 1, left: Tip, right: Tip] # => BTree[value: 1, left: Tip, right: Tip] # or without them as before. BTree[0, Tip, tree1] # => BTree[value: 0, left: Tip, right: BTree[value: 1, left: Tip, right: Tip]] # Fields of products can be read as follows: # 1. When type has only one field method #value is defined Leaf[1].value # => 1 # 2. By multi-assign v, left, right = BTree[value: 1, left: Tip, right: Tip] # => BTree[value: 1, left: Tip, right: Tip] [v, left, right] # => [1, Tip, Tip] # 3. With #[] method when fields are named BTree[value: 1, left: Tip, right: Tip][:value] # => 1 BTree[value: 1, left: Tip, right: Tip][:left] # => Tip # 4. With methods named by fields when fields are named # (it can be disabled if fields are defined with #fields instead of #fields!) BTree[1, Tip, Tip].value # => 1 BTree[1, Tip, Tip].left # => Tip # Product instantiation raises TypeError when being constructed with wrong type. Leaf['a'] rescue $! # => #<TypeError: Value (String) 'a' is not any of: Integer.> Node[nil, Empty] rescue $! # => #<TypeError: Value (NilClass) '' is not any of: Tree(Empty | Leaf | Node).>
Behaviour extending
Maybe = Algebrick.type do variants None = atom, Some = type { fields Object } end # => Maybe(None | Some) # Types can be extended with usual syntax for modules and using Ruby supports module reopening. module Maybe def maybe(&block) case self when None when Some value end end end # #maybe method is defined on both values (None, Some) of Maybe. None.maybe { |_| raise 'never ever happens' } # => nil # Block is called with the value. Some[1].maybe { |v| v*2 } # => 2 # It also works as expected when modules like Comparable are included. Season = Algebrick.type do variants Spring = atom, Summer = atom, Autumn = atom, Winter = atom end # => Season(Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter) module Season include Comparable ORDER = Season.variants.each_with_index.each_with_object({}) { |(season, i), h| h[season] = i } def <=>(other) Type! other, Season ORDER[self] <=> ORDER[other] end end Quarter = Algebrick.type do fields! year: Integer, season: Season end # => Quarter(year: Integer, season: Season) module Quarter include Comparable def <=>(other) Type! other, Quarter [year, season] <=> [other.year, other.season] end end # Now Quarters and Seasons can be compared as expected. [Winter, Summer, Spring, Autumn].sort # => [Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter] Quarter[2013, Spring] < Quarter[2013, Summer] # => true Quarter[2014, Spring] > Quarter[2013, Summer] # => true Quarter[2014, Spring] == Quarter[2014, Spring] # => true [Quarter[2013, Spring], Quarter[2013, Summer], Quarter[2014, Spring]].sort # => [Quarter[year: 2013, season: Spring], Quarter[year: 2013, season: Summer], Quarter[year: 2014, season: Spring]]
Pattern matching
Pattern matching is implemented with helper objects defined in ALgebrick::Matchers
They use standard #===
method to match against values.
# Let's define a tree and binary tree to demonstrate the pattern matching abilities. Tree = Algebrick.type do |tree| variants Empty = type, Leaf = type { fields Integer }, Node = type { fields tree, tree } end # => Tree(Empty | Leaf | Node) BinaryTree = BTree = Algebrick.type do |btree| fields! value: Comparable, left: btree, right: btree variants Empty, btree end # => BTree(Empty | BTree(value: Comparable, left: BTree, right: BTree)) extend Algebrick::Matching # => main # Product matchers are constructed with #.() syntax. Leaf.(any) === Leaf[1] # => true Leaf.(1) === Leaf[1] # => true Leaf.(2) === Leaf[1] # => false # There are also some shortcuts to use when product has more fields. BTree.() # => BTree.(any, any, any) BTree.(value: any, left: Empty) # => BTree.(any, Empty, any) BTree.(value: any, left: Empty) === BTree[1, Empty, Empty] # => true # Any object responding to #=== can be converted to matcher. (1..2).to_m # => Wrapper.(1..2) (1..2).to_m === 2 # => true Empty.to_m # => Empty.to_m # As matchers are using standard #=== method it does not have to be always converted. Empty === Empty # => true Leaf === Leaf[1] # => true # Tree matches all its values. [Empty, Leaf[1], Node[Empty, Empty]].all? { |v| Tree === v } # => true # There is also a #match method in Matching module to make pattern matching easier. match Leaf[1], # supply the value for matching # if Leaf.(0) matches :zero is returned (on Leaf.(0), :zero), # when computation of the result needs to be avoided use block # if Leaf.(1) matches block is called and its result is returned (on Leaf.(1) do (1..10000).inject(:*) # expensive computation :one # which is :one in this case end) # => :one # Alternatively case can be used. case Leaf[1] when Leaf.(0) :zero when Leaf.(1) (1..10000).inject(:*) # expensive computation :one end # => :one # But that won't work nicely with value deconstruction. # Each matcher can be marked with #~ method to store value against which is being matched, # each matched value is passed to the block, ... match Leaf[0], (on ~Leaf.(~any) do |leaf, value| [leaf, value] end) # => [Leaf[0], 0] btree = BTree[1, BTree[0, Empty, Empty], Empty] # => BTree[value: 1, left: BTree[value: 0, left: Empty, right: Empty], right: Empty] match btree, (on BTree.(any, ~any, ~any) do |left, right| [left, right] end) # => [BTree[value: 0, left: Empty, right: Empty], Empty] # or alternatively you can use Ruby's multi-assignment feature. match btree, (on ~BTree do |(_, left, right)| [left, right] end) # => [BTree[value: 0, left: Empty, right: Empty], Empty] # Matchers also support logical operations #& for and, #| for or, and #! for negation. Color = Algebrick.type do variants Black = atom, White = atom, Pink = atom, Grey = type { fields scale: Float } end # => Color(Black | White | Pink | Grey) def color?(color) match color, on(Black | Grey.(-> v { v < 0.2 }), 'black-ish'), on(White | Grey.(-> v { v > 0.8 }), 'white-ish'), on(Grey.(-> v { v >= 0.2 }) & Grey.(-> v { v <= 0.8 }), 'grey-ish'), on(Pink, "that's not a color ;)") end # => :color? color? Black # => "black-ish" color? Grey[0.1] # => "black-ish" color? Grey[0.3] # => "grey-ish" color? Grey[0.9] # => "white-ish" color? White # => "white-ish" color? Pink # => "that's not a color ;)" # A more complicated example of extracting node's value and values of its left and right side # using also logical operators to allow Empty sides. match BTree[0, Empty, BTree[1, Empty, Empty]], (on BTree.({ value: ~any, left: Empty | BTree.(value: ~any), right: Empty | BTree.(value: ~any) }) do |value, left, right| { left: left, value: value, right: right } end) # => {:left=>nil, :value=>0, :right=>1} # It also supports matching against Ruby Arrays Array.() === [] # => true Array.() === [1] # => false Array.(*any) === [] # => true Array.(*any) === [1] # => true Array.(*any) === [1, 2] # => true Array.(1, *any) === [] # => false Array.(1, *any) === [1] # => true Array.(1, *any) === [1, 2] # => true match [], on(~Array.to_m) { |v| v } # => [] match [], on(~Array.()) { |v| v } # => [] match [1, 2], on(~Array.(*any)) { |v| v } # => [1, 2] match [1, 2], on(~Array.(*any)) { |(v, _)| v } # => 1 match [1, 2, 3], on(Array.(any, *~any)) { |v| v } # => [2, 3] match [:first, 1, 2, 3], on(Array.(:first, ~any, *any)) { |v| v } # => 1 match [:+, 1, 2, :foo, :bar], (on Array.(:+, ~Integer.to_m, ~Integer.to_m, *~any) do |int1, int2, rest| { sum: int1 + int2, rest: rest } end) # => {:sum=>3, :rest=>[:foo, :bar]} # There is also a more funky syntax for matching # using #>, #>> and Ruby 1.9 syntax for lambdas `-> {}`. match Leaf[1], Leaf.(0) >> :zero, Leaf.(~any) >-> value do (1..value).inject(:*) # an expensive computation end # => 1
Parametrized types
# Let's define Tree but this time parameterized by :value_type, Tree = Algebrick.type(:value_type) do |tree| variants Empty = atom, Leaf = type(:value_type) { fields value: :value_type }, Node = type(:value_type) { fields left: tree, right: tree } end # with method depth defined as before. module Tree def depth match self, Empty >> 0, Leaf >> 1, Node.(~any, ~any) >-> left, right do 1 + [left.depth, right.depth].max end end end # Then Tree, Leaf, Node are Tree.class # => Algebrick::ParametrizedType [Tree, Leaf, Node] # => [Tree[value_type], Leaf[value_type], Node[value_type]] # which servers as factories to actual types. Tree[Float] # => Tree[Float](Empty | Leaf[Float] | Node[Float]) Tree[String] # => Tree[String](Empty | Leaf[String] | Node[String]) # Types cannot be mixed. Leaf[Integer]['1'] rescue $! # => #<TypeError: Value (String) '1' is not any of: Integer.> Node[Integer][Leaf[String]['a'], Empty] rescue $! # => #<TypeError: Value (Leaf[String](value: String)) 'Leaf[String][value: a]' is not any of: Tree[Integer](Empty | Leaf[Integer] | Node[Integer]).> Leaf[String]['1'] # => Leaf[String][value: 1] # Depth method works as before. integer_tree = Node[Integer][Leaf[Integer][2], Empty] # => Node[Integer][left: Leaf[Integer][value: 2], right: Empty] integer_tree.depth # => 2 string_tree = Node[String][Empty, Empty] # => Node[String][left: Empty, right: Empty] string_tree.depth # => 1
What is it good for?
Defining data structures
- Simple data structures like trees
- Whenever you find yourself to pass around too many fragile Hash-Array structures
Examples are coming shortly.
Algebraic types also play nice with JSON serialization and de-serialization making it ideal for defining message-based cross-process communication.
extend Algebrick::Matching # => main # Lets define message-protocol for a cross-process communication. Request = Algebrick.type do User = type { fields login: String, password: String } variants CreateUser = type { fields User }, GetUser = type { fields login: String } end # => Request(CreateUser | GetUser) Response = Algebrick.type do variants Success = type { fields Object }, Failure = type { fields error: String } end # => Response(Success | Failure) Message = Algebrick.type { variants Request, Response } # => Message(Request | Response) require 'algebrick/serializer' # => true require 'multi_json' # => true # Prepare a message for sending. serializer = # => #<Algebrick::Serializer:0x007fab42bdf6d8> request = CreateUser[User['root', 'lajDh4']] # => CreateUser[User[login: root, password: lajDh4]] raw_request = MultiJson.dump serializer.dump(request) # => "{\"algebrick_type\":\"CreateUser\",\"algebrick_fields\":[{\"algebrick_type\":\"User\",\"login\":\"root\",\"password\":\"lajDh4\"}]}" # Receive the message. response = match serializer.load(MultiJson.load(raw_request)), (on CreateUser.(~any) do |user| # create the user and send success Success[user] end) # => Success[User[login: root, password: lajDh4]] # Send response. response_raw = MultiJson.dump serializer.dump(response) # => "{\"algebrick_type\":\"Success\",\"algebrick_fields\":[{\"algebrick_type\":\"User\",\"login\":\"root\",\"password\":\"lajDh4\"}]}" # Receive response. serializer.load(MultiJson.load(response_raw)) # => Success[User[login: root, password: lajDh4]]
Message matching in Actor pattern
Just a small snippet how it can be used in Actor model world.
Work = Algebrick.type do fields key: String, work: Proc end Finished = Algebrick.type do fields key: String, result: Object, worker: Worker end class Worker < AbstractActor def initialize(executor) super() @executor = executor end def () match , Work.(~any, ~any) >-> key, work do @executor.tell Finished[key,, self] end end end